I once read "That woman was made from the rib of man, not from his head to rule over him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from his rib to be at his side, his equal, near his heart to be loved by him, under his arm to be protected by him."
Why was it that God made Eve from the rib of Adam? We really don’t know. However, I like the poetic interpretation, which goes like this: "God did not take Eve out of Adam's head that she might rule over him or to be superior to him. Nor did God take Eve out of Adam's feet to be trampled upon by him or that she might be lower than him. But God took Eve out of Adam's side that she might be his equal, and from under his arm that she might be protected by him, and from close to his heart that she might be loved by him." (footnote reads: "Adapted from Matthew Henry, Commentary on Holy Scripture (1708-1710), p. 59. Henry adapted his version from Thomas Aquinas...") -- from http://www.fpcboulder.org/Transcripts/3 ... html#_edn4Okay so yes this talks about the where she came from but it also gives us insight on what God calls "a wife". IT'S ABOUT CHARACTER or the QUALITIES that a wife should have.
(1) Submissive:
- We must first know how to submit to the Lord in order to know how to submit to our husbands.
- We should never try to be more than our husbands
(2) To be a "HELPMEET" - one who helps
"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Genesis 2:18
"Each wife, as God’s appointed helpmate to her husband, must draw on who she is in Christ, must be attentive to all the Holy Spirit is teaching her as she reads and studies God’s Word and as she lives in obedience to who God has made her to be. Her’s is a vital role." www.growleaders.org
The last part of the quotation talks about man loving, protecting his wife. Well the way that happens is if we leave our pride - "why do I have to do... after the way he ... to me" etc. at the cross. Marriage is much easier if there is NO PRIDE! We must RESPECT OUR HUSBANDS!
"However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Ephesians 5:33
I truly believe that God has called us to be wives that GLORIFY HIM. In all we do and say to or towards our husbands may it bring HIM GLORY AND HONOR - inside and outside our HOMES!!
MAY YOU BE BLESSED... in your marriage! We can do all things in CHRIST!!!
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