Tuesday, January 31, 2012


As I decided to get back into blogging, I was also encouraged by my husband to start creating my own printables for homeschooling mommas, teachers and anyone else who was in need of them.  My main focus will be for Pre-K - 3rd grade Spanish.  I believe it is so important to teach children at a young age another language. Why?  Because they are sponges - they pick it up quickily and are eager to learn. 

I will also be including other printables for Pre-K - 1st grade Language Arts, possibly Math.  I am working literally night and day on these.  I like to do things in Units/ Themes.  It helps me when I work that way, so I know it can help others as well.

So here it is my shop: http://teachersnotebook.com/shop/godoy811
I only have one free printable up so that you can see what I am working on.

My husband and I have prayed for and asked the Lord to show us new ways to provide for our family, and never did I think this would be it, but my husband has always thought of many things that I can do, but this is the ONE that I am really excited about!!

Many blessing to you all!! Please keep me in pray!!



  1. Encouraging you to continue blogging! I love the fresh look of your blog ... and what you have written so far can bless many! Keep it up!!

  2. I think it's a great idea and you are so talented in this area! I was thinking recently how you should start blogging about home schooling. It is such a natural fit for you!! Keep it up!!! We may be using some of those spanish printables at home sooN!



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