Well all of this had me thinking about LOVE. And as I thought and thought God led me right to him. I had read recently a comment about how for some it's Valentines Day and for others it's Tuesday. I actually laughed when I read it but then I realized, there are many people that can't stand this day for the very reason of showing, giving, acting in love. I don't believe its because they don't want to, I believe it's because they hurt.
The more I thought about this I got to the point where I asked myself, "am I LOVING OUT LOUD?" "Do I share God's love to others?" And not just to my family and friends, but those around me that I don't know, those I come in contact with at the supermarket or the mall. Do I come to someones aid when they are lashing out at another person because the price is wrong on an item!! Do I share God's love? His unconditional love? His son? Jesus? to the world around me?
When I heard this song sung by these two beautiful women of God from The Better Mom I was blessed, because I know I am loved by God, because of His grace and mercy. BUT, what about those who don't know who their awesome Creator is? And what about those who do know and have just forgotten or walked away?
So even though Valentine's Day has come to an end,
God's Love hasn't.
My prayer:
Lord, help me to not be selfish with your Love.
Help me to share your love and not be ashamed , because you were not ashamed of me when you sent your Son to die on that cross for my sins.
You just loved me.
I want praise your name and lift it up,
that all those around me come to know you.
Be glorified Lord! Every knee and tongue confess your GREAT NAME!!
Fill those empty hearts with your LOVE...
I pray that you are blessed as you watch this video:
YOUR GREAT NAME - YouTube - Ruth and Kathleen from The BETTER Mom Blog
Link up:
Time-Warp-Wife {TITUS 2}DAYS
Far Above Rubies
Women Living Well Ministries - Wednesdays
Deep Roots at Home - Encourage One Another Link -up
A Wise Woman Builds Her Home - Link-up
Proverbs 31 Thrusday
thanks so much for visiting me! And thank you for the reminder of God's love, sometimes it's really easy to forget...